Simon Pope — City Kids London 1973–1975 2 Book Bundle


City Kids London 1973–1975 One
City Kids London 1973–1975 Two

Each book:
36 pages
printed in the UK
staple bound
14cm x 20cm

Special offer — both titles £11

More images of these titles, and the titles individually, are available here.

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City Kids London 1973–1975 One
City Kids London 1973–1975 Two

Each book:
36 pages
printed in the UK
staple bound
14cm x 20cm

Special offer — both titles £11

More images of these titles, and the titles individually, are available here.

City Kids London 1973–1975 One
City Kids London 1973–1975 Two

Each book:
36 pages
printed in the UK
staple bound
14cm x 20cm

Special offer — both titles £11

More images of these titles, and the titles individually, are available here.

Bob Moore — Birmingham 1960s–70s 3 Book Bundle
Philip Wolmuth — London Series 2 Book Bundle
Special Offer 10 titles £33
from £33.00
Annual Subscription 60 books/year
£320.00 every 12 months
Berris Conolly — London & Hackney 2 Book Bundle